
435 Alcohol Policy for Student-Related Events

Authority: Approved by the Board of Trustees
Last updated on: December 05, 2012


Indiana State University seeks to foster intellectual, 情感, and social growth of all members of the community.

435.2 Expectation for Responsible Practices

When students choose to consume alcoholic beverages, Indiana State University encourages responsible practices and behavior in accordance with campus policies and procedures, and the laws of the State of Indiana and the City of Terre Haute.

435.3 Disciplinary Action

Violation of University policies and procedures or state and local laws related to alcohol, on or off campus, will result in disciplinary action. 

435.4 Establishment of Procedures

The 总统 of the University and the Vice 总统 for Student Affairs have been delegated the authority to review and establish procedures for governing all university student events, whether off or on campus or external parties related to the university, at which alcohol will be present.

Related Information

Policy Administrator:
Office of the Vice 总统 for Student Affairs
Office of the Vice 总统 for Student Affairs
Parsons Hall Room 203
(812) 237-3888
Policy 435 was amended by the ISU Board of Trustees on May 4, 2012. Last revised December 5, 2012.